Sunday, September 12, 2010

Drive El Camino - Adding to THE LIST

First, a short history lesson: the Spanish Catholics established a bunch of missions (churches, basically) along the length of California back in the day. If I recall my 4th grade studies correctly, these Spanish priests built all the missions along a road called El Camino Real, translated to the King’s Highway, running the length of California.

Photo cred: my momma

Hundreds of years later, El Camino is still kicking (knock out “Real” in the name for bonus local points). I’m sure the priests would be happy to know that today their King’s Highway is full of avid believers… of McDonalds, In n Out, and Carl’s Jr.

I would probably compare it to Mass Ave in Boston, except that it is way, way longer. Maybe even as long as the train tracks out here :).

Yes, this is California, not Mexico.

So the plan is to drive through the whole thing. No real point here, besides bragging rights. Not a whole lot to brag about either, unless I manage to make it into the Guinness Records for eating the most chicken fingers and French fries in a single road trip. I knew I’d be famous one day.

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