Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter 7 Opening Night - Did It!


Mad dash for the door. Or not: "Oh my God the movie was soooo good! Let's go see it again at 3:15!"

My top seven favorite things about the midnight showing of Harry Potter 7:

7. The freshman at my school named Harry Potter (facebook him, it's true).

6. My Harry Potter look alike (see photo above).

5. Harry and Hermione's awkward dance.

4. Dobby

3. Luna Lovegood

2. Harry Potter themed parties, complete with butterbeer, snitches, and the Whomping Willow (see below).

Yes, these are my friends. Jealous?

And the best part of HP7. Drumroll please...

1. Watching the boys' reactions to Hermione's nearly naked scene.

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